over the last 12 days fishing i have had 2 groups out the first was kris,karl,james,brett and lee who between them had a mixed bag result with only james missing out on a biggun,karl had the biggest cat and carp of 168lbs and 41lbs respectivly ,lee had cats of 102 and 93lbs and had carp to 32lbs,kris had carp to 31lbs and 91lb for cats ,brett had carp to 34lbs and 80lb cats and james had a bit of bad luck losing a fair amount of fish and whilst he went off to get some dinner i was looking after his rods ,i went and caught a 45lb carp.he had carp of 25lbs and cats to 6o odd but the luck was not with james. I reckon karls fish is the big fish of the month at 168lbs so far still time for a biggun yet as 2 more groups are her the end of august. The second group we saw the current england under 17 football coach John Griffiths and his m8 Mick come out the cats were still biting but the heat put the bigguns off they landed 11 cats to 81lbs,though the carping was good and they landed 21 carp with john landing a 41lb fish and the pair landing 9 30s between them.the fishing was tough in the heat and the water levels were dropping rapidly.last time the water dropped loads there was some great fishing ,sessions like where we had 19 40lb carp in 12 days fishing and one lad andy going home with 9 40s to 47lbs under his belt an ebro carp fishing record for the week. hopefully if things stay the same there should be some great fishing over the upcoming months and i am dead excited about the winter if the levels stay low there should be some big fish coming out as the last time saw a high percentage of 50s when the conditions were right. i dont have many vacancys for the next 3 months but the winter period (dec,jan and feb) there are still plenty of spaces and we have a great deal running this winter so check that out and get out here for some serious arm bending action this winter.
tight lines Nick Shattock